The home of gentle ladies

I find myself this evening in the comparative comfort of a Georgian country house in the South-West of England.

They’ve thoughtfully provided a history of the property in the bedroom. Its early years saw lavish entertainment: Pitt the Younger visited whilst Prime Minister. But (and this is where it gets interesting) it was soon converted into a home for “ladies of gentle birth and their servants”, with preference given to the widows and daughters of clergyman and of naval and army officers.

As if that wasn’t enough to trigger my mind into kinky overdrive, they also ran:

“a school for orphaned girls, like the ladies ‘to be of gentle birth’.”

I wonder if any of the ladies here as conference delegates – or indeed of the ever-so-cute uniformed staff – are game for some historical reanactments? I rather enjoy Regency-era scenes. There’s a birch tree handily positioned next to the car park, and I’m sure I noticed its branches twitching with anticipation as my carriage pulled up…

13 thoughts on “The home of gentle ladies

  • 21 December, 2006 at 7:25 pm

    Abel: It will be interesting to see how you go about cutting down a birch and then getting it up to your room without being noticed. We went away to a country house recently ourselves and to be safe, my guy brought along his own. However, he couldn’t fit it into his o’night bag, so had to retrieve it after dinner when all was quiet. Apparently the only discreet way was putting it down his pants.

  • 21 December, 2006 at 7:35 pm

    All this makes me think of is: I want some split-seat bloomers! Any suggestions where to get some?

    LOL, Rob, I like the “putting it down his pants” part. I feel truly blessed that I have quite a bit of land with lots of trees and neighbors some ways away.

  • 21 December, 2006 at 7:56 pm

    Amber: Yeah the countryside has its benefits, but the city has plenty of inspiration too. Lots of people grow bamboo in their city gardens (now you have me wondering!!), and our gorgeous botanical gardens just down the road is full of the stuff – believe me I know about this, having been taken on a privaate tour of all the bamboo sites there!!!

  • 21 December, 2006 at 8:13 pm

    Growing bamboo! Now, that’s exotic! We can’t even grow peaches here!

  • 22 December, 2006 at 6:40 am

    Amber – Ebay often has genuine split-seat bloomers. Mine were bought for me from there and they’re lovely, tiny stitching and delicate lace, they even came with a free lace handkerchief. I was very grateful too because I’d been attempting to make some at the time… and if I’d been around in Victorian times I’d have been in CONSTANT trouble for my appalling needlework! It was such a relief to be able to give up that project :)

  • 22 December, 2006 at 7:01 am

    Thanks, Sarah, I’ve spent some time today already, actually, looking up bloomers suitable for kinky action on ebay:). I didn’t fine any in size S, though.

  • 22 December, 2006 at 8:03 am

    Oh, bloomers are supposed to be slightly roomy. A good indication of size is whether they fit around the thigh or knee or wherever they go down to. If they do, the vast amount of fabric around the bottom is supposed to be there :)

  • 22 December, 2006 at 3:51 pm

    Lucky for me they weren’t in size S when mine were bought, or they’d never have fitted! The vast amount of fabric around the bottom is great unless you get carried away with the starch…as I did, then they just look plain ridiculous, smell great though, wonderfully soapy! :)

  • 22 December, 2006 at 4:07 pm

    Oh, I see. Let’s say I am size 6 to 7, what size bloomers do I get? I am not sure if just buying L would do the trick.

    I wish I could visit some spanking bloomers shop and browse and try things on :). I should look more in antique stores, which we happened to have a few.

    On the other hand, I still haven’t even worn the garter belt I bought recently, I just didn’t have the occasion or maybe even courage. You see, my husband is funny that way – he seems to only appreciate clothing which appears functional and comfortable, (although I guess he does seem to like thongs for spanking even though they are obviously neither comfortable nor functional.)

    For example – for Xmas last year he gave me (it was on my “wish list”) red (my color) Carhart-style (high-quality work clothes brand in US) coveralls, which I requested to shovel snow and pile wood when its 10 degrees outside. I wore them this year for the deer butchering and he loved them so much that when the young wife of his cousin commented on how cool they were (she’s big on Carharts), J. couldn’t resist and said out loud for everyone to hear “Aren’t they sexy?” What you’d need to keep in mind about J. is that he’s rather shy about anything having to do with sex and also conservative, so it’s very rare that you hear him say that kind of thing around other people! So, you get his idea of female elegance.

    So, I am afraid that bloomers will be lost on him, but you never know. I think it’s worth trying.

  • 22 December, 2006 at 7:42 pm

    Sarah – I bet the starch makes a nice crisp sound, too :)

    Amber – I don’t know about the size; what I usually do with vintage garments is write to the seller and ask for measurements. Then you know for sure!

  • 22 December, 2006 at 8:12 pm

    Of course, Haron is too modest to point out that she looks very fetching in bloomers!

    (Amber – ‘conservative’ strikes me as a great euphemism for ‘spanko’!)


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