A Christmas caning

Haron was so adorable yesterday. I mean, she always is, but Christmas brought out the excited girl in her as she disappeared under mounds of wrapping paper and presents.

The inevitable result was that, when we finally collapsed into bed – sated with good food and wine – she was somewhat hyperactive: over-excited, just like a little kid. She needed calming down. I hit on a plan.

I explained to her that another Christmas tradition here in England was for husbands to give their wives 25 strokes of the cane at the end of each 25th December. (She counted herself lucky that I wasn’t giving her 2007, one for every year of Jesus’s age – plus one for luck).

They weren’t hard strokes at all. Well, OK, they were – just not by the standards that sometimes apply! And it wasn’t my scariest cane – although it was one of my whippiest. But it worked :-)

And to think that the New Year is her main celebration, rather than Christmas… I’ll have to devise another cunning plan over the next week (“one stroke for the first of January” not looking like a recipe for much in the way of kinky fun).

9 thoughts on “A Christmas caning

  • 26 December, 2006 at 12:40 pm

    “But it worked” – as in 25 hard strokes of the cane settled her down?? Taking a chance there weren’t you? That sort of treatment has been known to rev one up too. Perhaps it calmed the child, but fuelled the woman…..

  • 26 December, 2006 at 5:02 pm

    Hey! I found myself in a similar situation – I have to say that Xmas with two days of celebrating, extremely fun mass complete with singing among friends and family who’ve been away (we sounded so beautiful, it’s unbelievable), myriad of gifts (J.’s mom and dad gave us a digital camera, which I wanted so bad because we didn’t have one and I wanted to take pictures of the growing baby and the fun farm projects), and a young baby at your feet, not to mention excellent food and endless caroling, let me to throwing a rather embarrassing fit (I not a bad person but terribly short of temper).

    You see, it’s all about me being ready to go home and J. not being ready – there’s always a potential for a conflict there. You see, I am not ever mean to anyone else but I can be mean to my husband. I am so ashamed of myself. He was so upset with me last night, including saying “go back to your barbarian country!” (which he didn’t mean), that he promised that he wasn’t going to speak to me for two weeks and wasn’t going to spank me, either. Of course, he didn’t keep either of these promises. He ended up giving me 15 strokes with a flexi-ruler he gave me for Christmas (something between plastic and rubber?), and orange in color at that, with the words “It’s academic” on it (he spanked me with the smooth side, thankfully). For all the fancy tawses and paddles, that little thing he bought for me specifically for this purpose left the most impression – so short and a good balance between manageable and flexible. I’ll take a picture of it later. He asked me to say “I’m sorry” after counting out each stroke.

    The spanking immediately made me feel much better. The pain certainly has the quality of expiating the misdeed and wiping away the feeling of guilt, or, at least, most of it.

    He also told me that I had to go to confession. It has a similar effect, and he mainly meant it for my own peace of mind rather than as a means of punishing me.

    (Please don’t think bad things about me – I am quick to own up to my transgressions. And sorry about the long post).

  • 26 December, 2006 at 7:18 pm

    As to the New Years – here is a profane idea in the spirit of the Old Country, hope it won’t make Haron mad: you can have a Grandfather Frost (Russian Santa) and Snegurochka (his ambiguous “granddaughter”) roleplay – this relationship always seemed so suspicious to me. Say, Snegurochka (his helper) messes-up the gifts… The said Grandfather Frost, if I recall correctly, is frequently portrayed with a staff…

  • 27 December, 2006 at 11:49 am

    Haha, I had the “Jesus birthday spanking” idea as well, and counted myself lucky that neither of my lords took me up on it! Although wouldn’t it be 2010 strokes? 2006 plus however many years the medieval monks got it wrong by … which I seem to remember was somewhere between 4-8. If I’d known when I was researching this that it would correspond directly to cane strokes received later in life, I would probably have been much more careful to remember…

  • 27 December, 2006 at 3:46 pm

    I think it’s three years, but don’t quote me on that.

  • 31 December, 2006 at 9:17 am

    Abel: We are closer to midnight on New Year’s Eve than you are currently, and my guy is thinking ahead with a suitable plan: he figured 12 strokes of a freshly cut bamboo to count down to midnight. i.e 12 months in a year, 12 strokes of the clock at midnight, leading to the inevitable 12 strokes of the cane. I don’t like this plan myself, as 12 in 12 seconds doesn’t sound like fun to me. But anyway, if you are still short of a plan yourself, you can improvise on that idea……..whilst I work on being scarce at the appointed time…….


  • 31 December, 2006 at 5:21 pm

    Well, I’m guessing Rob’s already well past midnight, so “Happy New Year” to you before the rest of us get to join you in 2007!

    I do love the idea of the 12 stroke countdown. Poor Haron has a cold, though, so I’m having to monitor her condition closely to see if she’s fit enough. Thrashing a sick girl would just be cruel!

  • 31 December, 2006 at 5:25 pm

    PS anyone who’s not read Pandora’s post “On the third day of Christmas” is strongly encouraged to head straight over to her blog!

  • 1 January, 2007 at 12:17 am

    Thrashing a sick girl is out of the question – and the only monitoring she usually needs is the occasional bowl of chicken soup or pot of tea….but heh 364 out of 365 days is a pretty good innings (PS don’t read anything else into the use of that last word! and yes I know I am exaggerating, but only slightly!) Not to mention that it leaves you something to look forward to in the New Year…….


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