The housemaster and the Head

I re-blogged a gorgeous photo yesterday morning on my Tumblr site (very much NSFW!) in which a girl displayed a dozen or so perfect cane welts on her left buttock, with scarcely a mark visible on her right-hand side. Clearly she’d been punished by a left-hander: a right-handed top was clearly called for to even them out.

I’m amused by this thought as a spin on school scenarios: a girl punished by her right-handed housemaster, then dealt with by the left-handed Head. Taking the idea further, I  like the idea that the Head would only beat a girl for a serious offence after her housemaster had given her an initial caning. After all, pupil discipline is primarily the housemaster’s responsibility: any additional punishment by the Head should be precisely that – additional.

My writing in these cases has usually been a case of “either / or” – I rather think “both” should more be the order of the day. And, of course, no housemaster would go easy on a girl, knowing his handiwork would soon be inspected by his boss.

11 thoughts on “The housemaster and the Head

  • 23 July, 2012 at 6:26 am

    Interesting. I’ve only been spanked by one left handed top ever. I think us left handed folks are just few and far between these days in general, and even less in the kink world. I tend to get more marked on the right cheek by all the right handers.

  • 23 July, 2012 at 11:40 am

    Couldn’t the left handed top switch sides? Wouldn’t that even the stripes?

  • 23 July, 2012 at 1:18 pm

    Lea – it’s fun to watch when left and right handers alternate! I saw EJ get 100 strokes like that at the start of the year, and it really was something to behold.

    Alias – strokes are never as good back-hand, so switching sides doesn’t really work with the full impact of a good forehand stroke!

  • 23 July, 2012 at 1:27 pm

    How about switch sides and turn around? Playing all scenarios in my head trying to recreate the scene. Sorry for persistence, I recreated so many scenes for school, can’t help it, I’m an addict. 😉 It’s still forehand but slightly modified? Maybe you should conduct an experiment! 😀

  • 23 July, 2012 at 1:39 pm

    Do you think he’ll get many volunteers for that experiment? (And watch as hands go up all over the world. lol)

  • 23 July, 2012 at 1:42 pm

    Oh, I see the hands! *laughing my butt off* I’m sure he’ll find enough ‘volunteers’ in UK. Kicking and screaming!

  • 24 July, 2012 at 7:54 am

    Where is that photo for God’s sake? The link did’t reach it!

  • 24 July, 2012 at 8:00 am

    If it’s the one called “perfectlynaughty”, I’d say the marks are on her RIGHT buttock and anyway the left one is well-marked too.

  • 24 July, 2012 at 8:06 am

    Ordalie – it’s currently on page 2, at the bottom of the page in the centre. The girl’s bent over in front of a window and radiator. (Obviously it’ll drift further down the pages as I post more).

  • 26 July, 2012 at 6:23 am

    Thanks to both Abel and Alias!


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